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IP Deal - In Development

It's a Process

The pages ProxPatterns: IP, Quick IP Deal, IP Deal, and related links, are a first attempt at a Vadi Agreement for intellectual property, as an interim solution. We ask you to abide by these, and their spirit, for now. Please contact us with any questions. We're working to create a more fully realized version. You can find out more about it here.

Motivation and Challenges

If people find the ProxThink site and set of ideas rewarding and helpful, they may want to use or adapt it for their proximity or situation. We would like to create a way for them to do so. We are developing a more fully realized Intellectual Property (IP) Deal, the start of which you'll find at ProxPatterns: IP, Quick IP Deal, IP Deal, and related links. It still has a ways to go. In the process, we may also get a general agreement for many different kinds of creative works, which others can use or adapt. There are several areas we want to pursue, including legal systems and how to create ProxGrowth in this context.

[[list examples of potential new uses and adaptations ... write some here, and also point to Site Possibilites and Other Projects]]

Legal Systems

We want to relate to existing legal procedures and terminology with a Core Idea approach, and in ProxPatterns-related ways. So we are looking for some attorneys, legal scholars and others to collaborate with. If you would like to collaborate, please contact us here.


Integrating the Growth Model
Another challenge is integrating the Growth Model with the IP Deal. We want people using or adapting a creative work to be able to relate to it and each other with a Core Idea approach, and in ProxPatterns-related ways. The Growth Model assists in these types of situations, and helps create ProxGrowth. However, when diverse people begin using or adapting a creative work in diverse proximities, it can become more difficult to create ProxGrowth. Why? Read on.

Three Parts of ProxGrowth
Why can it become difficult to create ProxGrowth? The Growth Model is a way to implement ProxGrowth, as you can discover more about here. Specifically, we'll discuss below the three challenging parts of ProxGrowth in connection with the Growth Model and creating an IP Deal.

Ability to Relate
A basic ability to relate is the first part of ProxGrowth. As you can see here, the RelatePoint and ProxMonitor processes of the Growth Model establish a basic ability to relate in the proximity. A challenge is creating RelatePoints and ProxMonitors for people who use or adapt the creative work of the ProxThink site and set of ideas, as well as other people who relate to the new uses or adaptations. Probably some combination of individual effort and organizational effort is required. The efforts will probably require systems, networking, and infrastructure, broadly considered.

Language for Relating
A language for relating in the proximity is the second part of ProxGrowth. While the Basics provide this in many instances, as more diverse people get involved in developing new uses and adaptations of the ProxThink site and set of ideas, we will run into other language challenges involving translation, subcultures, idioms, etc.

Coordinate and Encourage
To coordinate and encourage relating is the fourth part of ProxGrowth. As you can see here, Vadi Agreements and ProxRewards establish productive ways to coordinate and encourage relationships in the proximity. We can create Vadi Agreements regarding the use and adaptation of the ProxThink site and set of ideas, which relate the people involved. Doing so requires meeting some of the legal system challenges mentioned above. ProxRewards would then work with these Vadi Agreements and the RelatePoints and ProxMonitors established.

Interim Solution
The current pages ProxPatterns: IP, Quick IP Deal, IP Deal, and related links, are a first attempt at a Vadi Agreement for intellectual property, as an interim solution. We ask you to abide by these, and their spirit, for now.

Beyond the Interim Solution
As more people develop new uses and adaptations of the ProxThink site and set of ideas, we will probably encounter new challenges. We expect the most critical will involve RelatePoints and ProxMonitors which encourage and enable ProxRewards. Some solutions will probably involve wired networks and databases, while others will probably involve human networks and communication.

How You Can Help

We are looking for some attorneys, legal scholars and others to collaborate with regarding the legal system challenges. We are looking for networking and infrastructure people and others to collaborate with regarding the ProxGrowth challenges. If you think of other things we need, or want to get involved, please let us know.

- the ProxThink Team

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