Proxri Deal -> Proximity -> Reward
This page is part of the Proximity of our Proxri Deal.
Short on Time?
For people short on time, we have suggested minimum annual proxri ranges for individuals, whether alone or in a group or business. The rest of this page applies to businesses.
Perspective of Businesses
We suggest businesses consider the proximity of the Proxri Deal from the perspective of a business, as you make a ProxReward.
First consider the suggestions for most people.
Then keep the ProxPatterns in mind and consider how a reward relates to the proximity of the Proxri Deal.
ProxRewards in Practice
What do ProxRewards look like in practice? It is somewhat comparable to the give and take of ongoing relationships with friends, associates and neighbors. You will find examples of what ProxRewards (or proxri) in practice can look like here.
Example Stories
We've developed several example stories you might want to consider. Again, think about the examples from the perspective of a business.
Sam or Jenny the Rewarder
Jenny is a moderate user of the site resources, and has found it rewarding in ...
Jack or Jill the Networker
Jack is a light user of the site resources, but his use generated a big reward recently when ...
Tim or Beth the Freeloader
Beth helps companies develop innovative products and services. She is a heavy user of the ...
Frank and Ellen the Copycats
Frank and Ellen are moderate users of the site resources, and have reaped user rewards of their own enough to ...
Proxri Deal -> Proximity -> Reward
Consider adopting or adapting the Proxri Deal and/or the Growth Model for your situation. Learn more here.