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What's the Proxri Deal?

Proxri Deal -> Proximity -> Reward

Essence of Deal

Here's the essence of our Proxri Deal:
As you find our relationship rewarding, proxri with the proximity in mind.

What's this like?
ProxRewards (proxri) in practice are sort of like the give and take of a neighborhood, relationship, friendship or perhaps being a considerate traveler. You may want the neighborhood, relationship, friendship or location you're visiting to survive, thrive, and take care of you as you take care of it. You may also want it to persist, adapt and change as needed, which is how proximities stay sustainable and life stays interesting. Relationships of this kind persist longer than transactions, so our relationship and Proxri Deal continues whether you use the site online or the ideas and concepts offline.

How do you proxri?
Proxri (pronounced prox'ree) is short for ProxReward. A proxri is a reward which relates elements in the proximity, in this case the Proximity of our Proxri Deal. So it's a reward you make with this proximity in mind, and this proximity includes your benefits and your circumstances. You can proxri with money, with ProxSets of your choice, or through our partners. For more, see ProxRewards (proxri) in Practice.

Not a requirement, but a relationship.
With our Proxri Deal, part of the Terms of Use, you are not required to do anything, but you are asked to relate as noted briefly in the essence above and more fully in the summary below.

Options: You can skip right to Reward, read the Summary below, or follow the steps at the top of the page from Proxri Deal -> Proximity -> Reward.

Summary of Deal

As you find our relationship rewarding, proxri with the proximity in mind.
How do you proxri? Proxri (pronounced prox'ree) is short for ProxReward, a reward which relates elements in the proximity, in this case the Proximity of our Proxri Deal. You can proxri with money and/or elements of your choice. Our Relationship involves Resources, Interactions and possible Collaboration, which you may find Rewarding in financial, practical, personal, emotional, intellectual, interpersonal, tangible and other ways. In deciding how to proxri, please use the Proximity of our Proxri Deal, including the key elements Our Relationship, Your Rewards, ProxMonitor, Other Elements, and Terms of Use. This Proxri Deal helps us create sustainable proximities together, so please keep this deal with the Resources and Our Relationship, and help grow the proximity in five ways. The Proximity of our Proxri Deal also includes reward suggestions for most people, with additional notes for individuals, groups and businesses, as well as other considerations, such as ProxRewards in Practice. You can reward with a proxri here.

Options: You can skip right to Reward or follow the steps at the top of the page from Proxri Deal -> Proximity -> Reward.

Of Related Interest

Our Proxri Deal, part of our relationship, helps us create sustainable proximities together. With the advance of climate change and global warming, we may need more ways to create sustainable proximities. The ProxThink site, ideas, and related people become sustainable as people honor our Proxri Deal.

Individually and together in groups, we may be going through transitions from looking after ourselves to looking after our relationships and proximities. This Proxri Deal may play a role in some of those transitions.

Our Proxri Deal was built using the ProxThink Growth Model, and is part of our Terms of Use, which you can better understand as you explore the ProxThink ideas and site.

We considered using the word "we" in the essence above, such as: As we find our relationship rewarding, let's proxri with the proximity in mind. It's friendlier, but more ambiguous. In this case, the word "we" needs to have three meanings: one party, the other party, and both parties together, any one of which could dominate in a proximity at some point in time. Using "we" would be richer, but "you" is more accurate most of the time for this proximity. And our Collaboration Deal handles one of the other meanings, which is proxri going from us to you. Maybe later we'll invent a new word for the triple meaning we need.

You also may become interested in adopting or adapting the Proxri Deal and Growth Model for your project, organization or enterprise.

Proxri Deal -> Proximity -> Reward

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