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Proxri in Practice

A ProxReward (proxri) is a main process of the Growth Model. What do ProxRewards look like in practice?

Quick Summary

If you don't have time to read this whole page, please read this quick summary.

ProxRewards (proxri) in practice are sort of like the give and take of a neighborhood, relationship, friendship or perhaps being a considerate traveler. You may want the neighborhood, relationship, friendship or location you're visiting to survive, thrive, and take care of you as you take care of it. You may also want it to persist, adapt and change as needed, which is how proximities stay sustainable and life stays interesting. Relationships of this kind persist longer than transactions, so our relationship and Proxri Deal continues whether you use the site online or the ideas and concepts offline. In addition to the examples on the main proxri page, here are some that are more about what the process might look like:
• Sometimes you might ProxReward (proxri) based on the other party's needs, to help them meet a goal or do something.
• Sometimes you might proxri to nurture the people and atmosphere of your neighborhood or proximity.
• Sometimes you might consider your position as primary, such as when your resources are especially low in some ways, or especially high in some ways. If your money resources are low, you might not proxri much, or proxri with resources you do have in abundance, such as time or networks or skill. If some of your resources are high, you might proxri a little extra, or for times in the past when you didn't proxri.
• Sometimes you might proxri in relation to your rewards and benefits. Let's say the other party's efforts helped you in a very rewarding way. So, you proxri in a way that is more like paying a commission or consulting fee or a very generous thank you of some sort.
• Sometimes you might proxri to support the other party's efforts, potential, or for other reasons, to some extent regardless of any benefits you may have gained.
• Sometimes you might not proxri. A proxri relationship doesn't require or force you to do anything. It's more like a suggestion or request. Like other standards of behavior, it is voluntary, yet can become customary with room for individuality. Plus, there are limits to what each person in a relationship can know, so sometimes we can't tell what is going on. We also know that situations are variable. But a proxri relationship does offer opportunities to relate.
• Sometimes you may really take the proximity of your relationship with the other party into account, and perhaps using some ProxPatterns, discover some new, better or more enjoyable ways to relate elements in the proximity as your proxri.

Comparable to ...

What do ProxRewards look like in practice? It is somewhat comparable to relationships with friends or associates. In those relationships, we don't pay attention only to ourselves, or only to the others, or only to the immediate situation or proximity we both share. Rather, the focus shifts. Sometimes us, sometimes them, sometimes both of us, sometimes our relationship, sometimes aspects of our relationship, sometimes other elements, and sometimes seemingly unrelated elements.

Below are examples involving this site and a business comparison.

Examples for This Site

Extending this perspective to situations involving ProxRewards and the ProxThink site, we can generate several examples, which follow. Keep in mind how ProxRewards can be any kind of rewards which relate elements in the proximity (so they are not only money).

Sometimes you might consider our position as primary. You might ProxReward (proxri) to meet our needs, to ensure our survival and growth, to expand our variety, or to help us meet a goal or do something else.

Sometimes you might proxri to nurture the people and atmosphere of your neighborhood or proximity, which includes our position and your position. If you are relating to someone or something, you are part of the neighborhood, or in other words the proximity of the situation.

Sometimes you might consider your position as primary, such as when your resources are especially low in some ways, or especially high in some ways. If your money resources are low, you might not proxri much, or proxri with resources you do have in abundance, such as time or networks or skill. If some of your resources are high, you might proxri a little extra, or for times in the past when you didn't proxri.

Sometimes you might proxri in relation to your rewards and benefits. Let's say our site and ideas triggered for you some innovation, service or product that you developed, which brought you large rewards. So, you proxri in a way that is more like paying a commission or consulting fee. More generally, perhaps your use of some ProxThink ideas or the site resulted in better relationships or situations for you, so you proxri based on that.

Sometimes you might proxri to support our work, our approach, or the further development of the site and ideas, to some extent regardless of any benefits you may have gained.

Sometimes you might not proxri us. A proxri relationship doesn't require or force you to do anything. It's more like a suggestion or request. Maybe you need more time to learn about proximity thinking, evaluate it and try it.

Sometimes you may really take the proximity of your relationship with us into account, and perhaps using some ProxPatterns, discover some new or better way to proxri and relate elements in the proximity.

Business Comparison

Another way to think about these issues is the following comparison. Most businesses take risks in relation to some probabilities. They bet there will be enough business on a street, or during certain hours, or in some market, or in a product or service niche, for them to survive and prosper at certain price points.

Using ProxRewards is sort of doing the same thing, except taking the probability a step farther. Through using ProxRewards (rewards which relate elements in the proximity), you bet that people in the proximity, whether users, collaborators, suppliers, associates, etc., can survive and prosper. One exception might be that your notion of what prosper means may change. It may move from an emphasis on money, to an emphasis on rich relationships. Often, those rich relationships may be ProxPatterns-related, whether you think of them that way or not.

Our Probability Bet

Moving from the business comparison just above to this ProxThink site and project, you can better see the probability bet we are making. We're making a bet that the Growth Model and ProxRewards approach can work for us (and others), allowing us and the proximity to survive and thrive. In doing so, it will allow for wider site access and more unexpected benefits, cooperation, collaboration, nice surprises, fun, and growth than following a more conventional internet business strategy. If it doesn't work, we'll have to try something else, but we wanted to give users, collaborators and ourselves the chance.

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