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The Rewarder

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Sam or Jenny the Rewarder

This story is one of several examples in the framework for thinking about rewards at PPs & Rewards.


Jenny is a moderate user of the site resources, and has found it rewarding in both personal and professional ways. She has some personal resources and also influences some of the resources of those she works with. She believes we create value in many different ways, and in general people should be rewarded somehow for the value they create. She also believes no one is perfect, and no can reward every little value every time. She responded to the idea of a RelatePoint (r] and is spreading the idea where appropriate. She rewards the site resources sometimes with money, sometimes in other ways, and sometimes not at all. She checks the ProxMonitor page sometimes, but not always, which sometimes influences her and sometimes does not.


To say Jenny lives in balance isn't really rich enough. Balance often implies calm, or stasis. You might say she achieves a constantly renegotiated balance, or manages the persistent disequilibrium of life fairly well.

She pays attention to her proximity with some ProxAwareness, but doesn't constantly do so. She attempts to honor in a variety of ways some of the integrity of what she finds at the site. She does this in several ways, some of which involve rewarding with money, and some of which involve rewarding in other ways.

She might recommend the site (create links) without forcing it on people by staying actively involved in conversations and transitioning smoothly to the recommendation. Or, she might take a more active role in a conversation, allowing some uncertainty by introducing topics related to the site resources, and then making a recommendation.

She might reward with money at different times based on different elements in the proximity, such as her current financial position, the site's ProxMonitor page, the potential she sees, or a reward she's gained from being a user. But she understands that rewarding isn't a constant requirement or rule, as she understands how circumstances and proximities are constantly changing.

The following might be a somewhat compact description of ProxPatterns use related to Jenny in the proximity of the site resources: It's about relating to the proximity, often with some PPs, but knowing the proximity is rarely if ever the same, and so enjoying the freedom about how to relate each time.

Added to those insights, is the insight that other people are relating to the site resources based on their proximity, which may amplify, complement, counteract, or otherwise relate to her rewards and relationship to the site resources.

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